We have two calving seasons per year so we always try to have a selection of young bulls for sale that are fully evaluated and ready to work. We produce red and black Simmental influenced bulls that are developed at B & B Cattle Company near Normangee, TX where the bulls are fed a growing ration in large pastures, and get plenty of exercise. They are evaluated for Average Daily Gain (ADG), Docility, Marbling (IMF), Rib Eye Area (which is calculated with weight to give REA/100# with numbers above 1.0 best and higher indicates more muscling) as well as breeding soundness.
They are virgin bulls, are DNA tested for parentage, color and horned/polled status, have passed breeding soundness exams and are ready to go to work. They are all slick coated and can take the heat.
They are located at our home and can be viewed at any time. Call or text 956-802-6995.
Spring born 2023 bulls currently available include:
ASA 4193645 - L385 - Solid Red PB Simbrah - View Pedigree
ASA 4193654 - L394 - Solid Red Percentage Simbrah - View Pedigree
ASA 4193659 - Solid Red PB Simbrah - View Pedigree
ASA 4193674 - Solid Red Percentage Simbrah - View Pedigree
ASA 4193695 - Solid Black Percentage Simbrah - View Pedigree

Replacement Heifers For Sale
Heifer development takes place in our pastures using bulk feeders and plenty of hay and grass pasture. We do not push them to be fat but grow them out so they will be ready to breed at about 14-15 months of age. They are all Simmental Influenced with Brahman in the pedigree. Some have a touch of Red Angus or Angus. They are gentle, come to cubes and easy to work. All are bred to a homozygous black 3/4 SM 1/4 BR Simbrah bull bred by Bobby Thornhill of Shallow Water Ranch near Rising Star, Texas.
Open and Bred Heifers available. Call for more information.