Simbrah Females
Simbrah females are the foundation of our program. We produce most of our replacements so many of our females go back to the herd bulls and donor cows that we feature on this website. The majority are red 5/8 Simmental x 3/8 Brahman, considered purebred Simbrah, with a few half bloods and some 3/4 Simmental x 1/4 Brahman. The bulls we breed to this group of females include purebred Simbrah, Simmental and SimAngusHT.
Composite Simbrah Females
Our composite Simbrah females, the majority being 5/8 Simmental x 1/4 Brahman x 1/8 Red Angus, are the result of the mating of Simbrah dams to red SimAngusHT sires. Our choice of SimAngus sires has produced a more uniform group of red females with increased carcass quality while maintaining the heat and insect tolerance that the Brahman influence from their dam contributes. The composite females can be bred in different ways to produce progeny that fit a specific marketing program or environment.
Brangus Females
A new part of our breeding program includes the utilization of Brangus females bred to Simmental, SimAngus and Simbrah sires to produce black SimAngus HT bulls and replacement heifers for the commercial market.
Simbrah Embryos
We currently have many purebred Simbrah embryos available. Contact us for details and prices. No tests for export were completed.